Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to all who attended Sustainable Suburbia

This past Saturday's workshop, Sustainable Suburbia with Ethan Roland, was a fantastic event!  We all walked away feeling that we'd learned a lot about sustainable options for our land, and that we’d connected with others interested in shifting to a more resilient way of life.

we all loved
Farmers Market Soup
A few highlights from my notepad…                    

Our vision for sustainable suburbia:  sharing, cooperative, beautiful, interesting, intriguing, thought-provoking, healthy, production, nourishing, lush, fertile, abundant, frugal, resourceful, intergenerational, community-rich, zero-waste, respectful, caring.

Ethan Roland’s definition of permaculture:  “doing what meets human needs and increases eco-system health.”

Four goals of edible landscaping:
  1. grow food everywhere
  2. use organic and biological resources
  3. choose multiple functions
  4. design for beauty and diversity
Ethan showing the children
how to tap a Maple tree
How do you know if your compost is good? “If it smells good, use it. If it smells bad, don’t.”...  “All forms of composting work as long as you do them right.”

A good number of people asked us if we could organize a “sustainability support” group. A place to talk about what was and wasn't working in their gardening, composting, beekeeping, etc.  Know that this is in the works.

Thank you Ethan Roland, and everyone that attended Sustainable Suburbia.  If you are reading this, make sure that you sign up to receive our online newsletter so that we can keep in touch. The opt-in box is on the right of this page.


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