Sunday, July 5, 2015

Frittelle di Fiori di Zucca

Fresh and local deep fried zucchini flowers are a special appetizer at Sam's Italian Restaurant in Dobbs Ferry right now—thanks to a Roots & Wings CSA connection!

Nancy Delmerico and her husband Donnie Vitagliano were enjoying dinner at Sam’s and they got to talking to long-time friend Maurice Giliberti, the owner, about her new position as Roots & Wings CSA Manager.

Do they have zucchini blossoms, Maurice asked, adding that he’d been getting them shipped in from Israel. Donnie says, “Are you kidding?!” The rest is history.

Stop into Sam's and have a taste of Frittelle di Fiori di Zucca courtesty of Rexcroft Farm, the provider of Roots & Wings CSA!  (recipe below, too)

1-2 cups of roughly chopped zucchini flowers (with the stem removed and interior material removed)
1.5 cups of flour
2 tablespoons of baking powder
1 cup of milk
1 egg
¾ tablespoons of salt
1 pinch of black pepper
Oil for frying 

The technique is fairly simple: start by mixing the flour, baking powder and salt together.
Grab another bowl and mix the milk, egg and zucchini flowers.
Combine the dry ingredients well and fry until crispy and golden (about 4 minutes if your oil is at the correct temperature).


You can also simply take a single blossom, create a simple batter, fill the intact blossom flower with a single anchovy or a bit of ricotta and deep fry until golden brown.