This Saturday, Blanca and her niece, Laura, Linda M, Linda H, Iris, Mark, Marcelo and Gabriela came to the garden.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Marcelo for bravely charging against the poison ivy that was growing profusely in and around the compost area. Gabriela provided assistance with a special focus on protective measures. We physically removed all the ivy we could see and sprayed the affected areas with a mixture of vinegar, salt and dish-washing detergent. No toxic herbicides were used. Now we are keeping our fingers crossed that the protective gear and post-intervention cleanup worked and nobody develops a rash! PLEASE BE VIGILANT AND LET US KNOW IF YOU SEE ANYTHING YOU SUSPECT MAY BE MORE POISON IVY.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Marcelo for bravely charging against the poison ivy that was growing profusely in and around the compost area. Gabriela provided assistance with a special focus on protective measures. We physically removed all the ivy we could see and sprayed the affected areas with a mixture of vinegar, salt and dish-washing detergent. No toxic herbicides were used. Now we are keeping our fingers crossed that the protective gear and post-intervention cleanup worked and nobody develops a rash! PLEASE BE VIGILANT AND LET US KNOW IF YOU SEE ANYTHING YOU SUSPECT MAY BE MORE POISON IVY.
The brave PoisonIvyBuster and the health, safety & decontamination assistant.
The harvest this week included strawberries, turnips, and greens.
Last week we received a donation of eggplants and watermelon plants from Derek DiGuglielmo of EatLocalNY--THANK YOU!! Marcelo planted some eggplants on Tuesday. Feel free to use the leftover plants.
Also Marcelo planted some morning glories in a long container located in between Iris' plot and the fence bordering the garden at Zion--please remember to water them!
Watering Schedule
Mondays: Susan
Tuesdays: Gabriela
Wednesdays: Iris/Linda H.
Thursdays: Marcelo
Saturdays: Group
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